Thursday 31 January 2013

Applying Agile Marketing Principles to Non-IT High-Tech Domain

Is marketing agility in fashion?
Agile marketing term is coined recently by IT marketers at the “Agile Marketing Manifesto”. This implies that agile marketing concept belongs to high-tech domain. But what about other high-tech sectors? How are agile marketing principles applicable there? What process areas of high-tech marketing are affected? And what are the first lessons that can be learned from those pioneers who try to implement Agile marketing principles in non-IT areas?

Brief research suggests that agile marketing concept is stuck within the Computer Software development and IT industries. So the first lesson is that non-IT high-tech sectors are reluctant in adopting the concept. Paradoxically, but as to my knowledge a number of companies in these sectors are playing like agile but do not recognize the fact. Especially, this is true for SMEs. Seems that the term has to find the way of crossing the chasm or it will fade into fad.

So, here are the results of my own iteration on how Agile marketing principles can be bridged to non-IT high-tech domain.

The starting point is the definition of the typical marketing cycle. 

Typical marketing cycle

Overall, this primary marketing cycle can be easily extended into the High-tech B2B marketing capability model that comprises common practices for all high-tech sectors.

So, the next step is to see where and how the marketing cycle is affected by the “Agile Marketing Manifesto” principles.

Agile Marketing Approaches vs Typical Marketing Cycle Process Areas

So the agile marketing approaches are not challenging the typical marketing cycle structure. They are challenging the way HOW the marketing cycle stages are managed and implemented.

And finally, let’s take a look at the bigger picture of agile marketing process. 

Agile Marketing Process

Here we can see the typical marketing cycle iterations that are focused on making shippable marketing deliverables in accordance with the initial lean canvas backlog.

Well, essentially, that’s all for the moment. Time to test!

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