Saturday 3 November 2012

Top Trends in New High-Tech Product Design and Development Practices

High-Tech Product Development Trends

Agile innovation, trend watch, customer collaboration – those are some of the widely discussed approaches that are believed to boost high-tech product development. To get higher rates of idea generation and idea conversion into successful products high-tech companies experiment with their new product development (NPD) processes. Here is a brief look at some currently emerging and maturing NPD trends screened by twitter hash-tags. 

Twitter tags to discover what's happening in this field on the general level are: #prodmgmt #npd #newproduct #innovation #RandD

More precise understanding of what’s hot in high-tech product development practices can be achieved by the narrow watch of the discussions in five trendy areas that are listed below.

1 Agile Development and Agile Innovation

Twitter tags: #agile #agiledevelopment #SCRUM #CreativeSpace

Innovation and new high-tech product design process are agile by definition. It's clear but if wrongly implemented causes devastating chaos and disaster. The focus of current discussion is on proper implementation of agile principles, establishing agile organizations, and creating innovative business structures.

2 Trend Watch

Twitter tags: #Gartner #MagicQuadrant #foresight #futurism

Agile product development can be successful... only when it is responding to clear sensing of future scenarios in the business and technology environment. Gartner Magic Quadrant and technology foresight techniques are good examples of focused trend tracking that helps high-tech developers to stay afloat.

3 User Experience

Twitter tags: #UX #LeanUX #AgileUX

Average Twitter rate of messages tagged #UX is 24 per hour. Why user experience is so important in the case of high-tech development? Well, first of all it strongly influences customer satisfaction and loyalty, while converting ambiguous and disruptive technological ideas into meaningful user experiences is in the core of it. Secondly, researchers claim that some high tech companies manage to successfully develop revolutionary products using existing technologies in combination with creating attractive user experiences.

4 Actionable Client Analytics

Twitter tags: #Requirements #bigdata #customeranalytics #customerdriven #customercentricity

Proper customer intelligence and analytics help to determine clear and realistic framework for product requirements, is not it? This is another important prerequisite to make agile innovation productive. It gives also new impetus to further advancement of new product development methods that are based on customer involvement ideology.

5 Cross-Boundary Collaboration 

Twitter tags: #OpenInnovation #crowdsourcing #e20 #collaboration #socbiz

Distributed multi-source development,  open innovation, convergence of disciplines, and cross-disciplinary collaboration are the buzz words that describe the principles behind establishing stimulating product development environment. 

1 comment:

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